Activated barrier crossing dynamics of a Janus particle carrying cargo

Abstract in English

We numerically study the escape kinetics of a self-propelled Janus particle, carrying a cargo, from a meta-stable state. We assume that the cargo is attached to the Janus particle by a flexible harmonic spring. We take into account the effect of velocity field, created in the fluid due to movements of dimers components, by considering space-dependent diffusion tensor (Oseen tensor). Our simulation results show that the synchronization between barrier crossing events and rotational relaxation process can enhance escape rate to a large extent. Also, the load carrying capability of a Janus particle is largely controlled by its rotational dynamics and self-propulsion velocity. Moreover, the hydrodynamic interaction, conspicuously, enhances the escape rate of the Janus-cargo dimer. The most of the important features in escape kinetics have been justified based on the analytic arguments.
