Extracting $gamma$ from three-body $B$-meson decays

Abstract in English

To date, the weak-phase $gamma$ has been measured using two-body $B$-meson decays such as $Bto D K$ and $Bto Dpi$, whose amplitudes contain only tree-level diagrams. But $gamma$ can also be extracted from three-body charmless hadronic $B$ decays. Since the amplitudes for such decays contain both tree- and loop-level diagrams, $gamma$ obtained in this way is sensitive to new physics that can enter into these loops. The comparison of the values of $gamma$ extracted using tree-level and loop-level methods is therefore an excellent test for new physics. In this talk, we will show how U-spin and flavor-SU(3) symmetries can be used to develop methods for extracting $gamma$ from $Bto Kpipi$ and $Bto KK{bar K}$ decays. We describe a successful implementation of the flavor-SU(3) symmetry method applied to BaBar data.
