MOLSCAT: a program for non-reactive quantum scattering calculations on atomic and molecular collisions

Abstract in English

MOLSCAT is a general-purpose program for quantum-mechanical calculations on nonreactive atom-atom, atom-molecule and molecule-molecule collisions. It constructs the coupled-channel equations of atomic and molecular scattering theory, and solves them by propagating the wavefunction or log-derivative matrix outwards from short range to the asymptotic region. It then applies scattering boundary conditions to extract the scattering matrix (S matrix). Built-in coupling cases include atom + rigid linear molecule, atom + vibrating diatom, atom + rigid symmetric top, atom + asymmetric or spherical top, rigid diatom + rigid diatom, rigid diatom + asymmetric top, and diffractive scattering of an atom from a crystal surface. Interaction potentials may be specified either in program input (for simple cases) or with user-supplied routines. For the built-in coupling cases, MOLSCAT can loop over partial wave (or total angular momentum) to calculate elastic and inelastic cross integral sections and spectroscopic line-shape cross sections. Post-processors are available to calculate differential cross sections, transport, relaxation and Senftleben-Beenakker cross sections, and to fit the parameters of scattering resonances. MOLSCAT also provides an interface for plug-in routines to specify coupling cases (Hamiltonians and basis sets) that are not built in; plug-in routines are supplied to handle collisions of a pair of alkali-metal atoms with hyperfine structure in an applied magnetic field. For low-energy scattering, MOLSCAT can calculate scattering lengths and effective ranges and can locate and characterize scattering resonances as a function of an external variable such as the magnetic field.
