Singleton Portals to the Twin Sector

Abstract in English

The mirror twin Higgs framework allows for a natural Higgs mass while being consistent with collider bounds on colored symmetry partners to standard model quarks. This mechanism relies crucially on a discrete symmetry which relates each standard model field to a mirror partner. These partners are charged under gauge groups identical to, but distinct from, those in the standard model. The minimal twin Higgs scenario provides only one low-energy connection between the visible and twin sectors, the light Higgs boson. We present a new class of portals connecting the two sectors, using fields that have no twin partner under the discrete symmetry. Scalar, fermion, and vector states may provide such singleton portals, each with unique features and experimental signatures. The vector portal, in particular, provides a variety of renormalizable interactions relevant for the LHC. We provide concrete constructions of these portals and determine their phenomenology and opportunities to probe the twin sector at the LHC. We also sketch a scenario in which the structure of the twin sector itself can be tested.
