Laboratory Probes of the Neutron-Matter Equation of State

Abstract in English

To relate constraints from nuclear physics to the tidal deformabilities of neutron stars, we construct a neutron star model that accepts input from a large collection of Skyrme density functions to calculate properties of 1.4 solar-mass neutron stars. We find that restricting this set of Skyrme to density functions that describe nuclear masses, isobaric analog states, and low energy nuclear reactions does not sufficiently restrict the predicted neutron-star radii and the tidal deformabilities. However, pressure constraints on the EoS around twice saturation density ($2times2.74times10^{14}g/cm^3$), obtained from high energy nucleus-nucleus collisions, does constrain predicted tidal deformabilities with uncertainties smaller than those obtained from the analysis of GW170817. We also found that the density-pressure constraint on the EoS obtained from a recent analysis of the neutron-star merger event agree very well with the density pressure constraints obtained from nuclear physics experiments published in 2002.
