Quantum Ising model on the frustrated square lattice

Abstract in English

We investigate the role of a transverse field on the Ising square antiferromagnet with first-($J_1$) and second-($J_2$) neighbor interactions. Using a cluster mean-field approach, we provide a telltale characterization of the frustration effects on the phase boundaries and entropy accumulation process emerging from the interplay between quantum and thermal fluctuations. We found that the paramagnetic (PM) and antiferromagnetic phases are separated by continuous phase transitions. On the other hand, continuous and discontinuous phase transitions, as well as tricriticality, are observed in the phase boundaries between PM and superantiferromagnetic phases. A rich scenario arises when a discontinuous phase transition occurs in the classical limit while quantum fluctuations recover criticality. We also find that the entropy accumulation process predicted to occur at temperatures close to the quantum critical point can be enhanced by frustration. Our results provide a description for the phase boundaries and entropy behavior that can help to identify the ratio $J_2/J_1$ in possible experimental realizations of the quantum $J_1$-$J_2$ Ising antiferromagnet.
