Lorentz TEM investigation of chiral spin textures and Neel Skyrmions in asymmetric [Pt/(Co/Ni)$_M$/Ir]$_N$ multi-layer thin films

Abstract in English

We examine magnetic domain patterns in symmetric [Co/Ni]$_M$ and asymmetric [Pt/(Co/Ni)$_M$/Ir]$_N$ multi-layers using Fresnel mode Lorentz transmission electron microscopy (LTEM). In the symmetric multi-layer, where the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction is expected to be zero, we observe purely Bloch type domain walls with no preferred chirality. In the asymmetric multi-layers, where significant interfacial DMI is present, we observe domain patterns with chiral Neel domain walls, which evolve into sub-100nm isolated Neel Skyrmions with the application of a perpendicular field. The impact of layer thickness and film stack on interfacial magnetic properties is discussed in the context of developing a tunable multi-layer system for future spintronic applications.
