Lyman alpha Properties of Simulated Galaxies in Overdense Regions: Effects of Galactic Winds at z > 6

Abstract in English

We perform Monte-Carlo radiative transfer calculations to model the Lyman alpha properties of galaxies in high-resolution, zoom-in cosmological simulations at z ~ 6.6. The simulations include both constrained and unconstrained runs, representing respectively a highly overdense region and an average field. Different galactic wind models are used in the simulations in order to investigate the effects of these winds on the apparent Ly alpha properties of galaxies. We find that, for models including galactic winds, the Ly alpha properties of massive galaxies residing in the overdense region match well recent observations of luminous Ly alpha emitters (LAEs) at z ~ 6-7, in terms of apparent Ly alpha luminosity, Ly alpha line width and Ly alpha equivalent width distributions. Without winds, the same galaxies appear less Ly alpha bright as a result of both differences in the line profile emerging from galaxies themselves, and, in the distributions of neutral gas in the circumgalactic (CGM) and intergalactic medium (IGM). We also study the relations between apparent Ly alpha luminosity and various galaxy properties: stellar mass, star formation rate (SFR) and host halo mass. At fixed halo mass, the apparent Ly alpha luminosity of galaxies appears to depend on the large-scale environment while this is no longer true for galaxies at a given stellar mass or SFR. We provide simple linear fits to these relations that can be used for quickly constructing mock LAE samples from N-body simulations. Our results suggest that the observed luminous LAEs at z ~ 6.6 are hosted by ~10^{12} h^{-1} Mo, dark matter haloes, residing in large, overdense ionized regions.
