Noise in the helical edge channel anisotropically coupled to a local spin

Abstract in English

We calculate the frequency-dependent shot noise in the edge states of a two-dimensional topological insulator coupled to a magnetic impurity with spin $S=1/2$ of arbitrary anisotropy. If the anisotropy is absent, the noise is purely thermal at low frequencies, but tends to the Poissonian noise of the full current $I$ at high frequencies. If the interaction only flips the impurity spin but conserves those of electrons, the noise at high voltages $eVgg T$ is frequency-independent. Both the noise and the backscattering current $I_{bs}$ saturate at voltage-independent values. Finally, if the Hamiltonian contains all types of non-spin-conserving scattering, the noise at high voltages becomes frequency-dependent again. At low frequencies, its ratio to $2eI_{bs}$ is larger than 1 and may reach 2 in the limit $I_{bs}to 0$. At high frequencies it tends to 1.
