Synthetic Radio Imaging for Quiescent and CME-flare Scenarios

Abstract in English

Radio observations grant access to a wide range of physical processes through different emission mechanisms. These processes range from thermal and quiescent to eruptive phenomena, such as shock waves and particle beams. We present a new synthetic radio imaging tool that calculates and visualizes the Bremsstrahlung radio emission. This tool works concurrently with state-of-the-art Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations of the solar corona using the code BATS-R-US. Our model produces results that are in good agreement with both high and low frequency observations of the solar disk. In this study, a ray-tracing algorithm is used and the radio intensity is computed along the actual curved ray trajectories. We illustrate the importance of refraction in locating the radio emitting source by comparison of the radio imaging illustrations when the line-of-sight instead of the refracted paths are considered. We are planning to incorporate non-thermal radio emission mechanisms in a future version of the radio imaging tool.
