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Innovation in the world of today is mainly driven by software. Companies need to continuously rejuvenate their product portfolios with new features to stay ahead of their competitors. For example, recent trends explore the application of blockchains to domains other than finance. This paper analyzes the state-of-the-art for safety-critical systems as found in modern vehicles like self-driving cars, smart energy systems, and home automation focusing on specific challenges where key ideas behind blockchains might be applicable. Next, potential benefits unlocked by applying such ideas are presented and discussed for the respective usage scenario. Finally, a research agenda is outlined to summarize remaining challenges for successfully applying blockchains to safety-critical cyber-physical systems.
This report documents safety assurance argument templates to support the deployment and operation of autonomous systems that include machine learning (ML) components. The document presents example safety argument templates covering: the development of safety requirements, hazard analysis, a safety monitor architecture for an autonomous system including at least one ML element, a component with ML and the adaptation and change of the system over time. The report also presents generic templates for argument defeaters and evidence confidence that can be used to strengthen, review, and adapt the templates as necessary. This report is made available to get feedback on the approach and on the templates. This work was sponsored by the UK Dstl under the R-cloud framework.
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are an emerging computation platform known for their safety-critical need. In this paper, we conduct an empirical study on a widely used open-source UAV software framework, Paparazzi, with the goal of understanding the safety-critical concerns of UAV software from a bottom-up developer-in-the-field perspective. We set our focus on the use of Bounding Functions (BFs), the runtime checks injected by Paparazzi developers on the range of variables. Through an in-depth analysis on BFs in the Paparazzi autopilot software, we found a large number of them (109 instances) are used to bound safety-critical variables essential to the cyber-physical nature of the UAV, such as its thrust, its speed, and its sensor values. The novel contributions of this study are two fold. First, we take a static approach to classify all BF instances, presenting a novel datatype-based 5-category taxonomy with fine-grained insight on the role of BFs in ensuring the safety of UAV systems. Second, we dynamically evaluate the impact of the BF uses through a differential approach, establishing the UAV behavioral difference with and without BFs. The two-pronged static and dynamic approach together illuminates a rarely studied design space of safety-critical UAV software systems.
This volume contains the proceedings of the First International Workshop of Formal Techniques for Safety-Critical Systems (FTSCS 2012), held in Kyoto on November 12, 2012, as a satellite event of the ICFEM conference. The aim of this workshop is to bring together researchers and engineers interested in the application of (semi-)formal methods to improve the quality of safety-critical computer systems. FTSCS is particularly interested in industrial applications of formal methods. Topics include: - the use of formal methods for safety-critical and QoS-critical systems, including avionics, automotive, and medical systems; - methods, techniques and tools to support automated analysis, certification, debugging, etc.; - analysis methods that address the limitations of formal methods in industry; - formal analysis support for modeling languages used in industry, such as AADL, Ptolemy, SysML, SCADE, Modelica, etc.; and - code generation from validated models. The workshop received 25 submissions; 21 of these were regular papers and 4 were tool/work-in-progress/position papers. Each submission was reviewed by three referees; based on the reviews and extensive discussions, the program committee selected nine regular papers, which are included in this volume. Our program also included an invited talk by Ralf Huuck.
In this work, we outline a cross-domain assurance process for safety-relevant software in embedded systems. This process aims to be applied in various different application domains and in conjunction with any development methodology. With this approach we plan to reduce the growing effort for safety assessment in embedded systems by reusing safety analysis techniques and tools for the product development in different domains.
Safety and tracking stability are crucial for safety-critical systems such as self-driving cars, autonomous mobile robots, industrial manipulators. To efficiently control safety-critical systems to ensure their safety and achieve tracking stability, accurate system dynamic models are usually required. However, accurate system models are not always available in practice. In this paper, a learning-based safety-stability-driven control (LBSC) algorithm is presented to guarantee the safety and tracking stability for nonlinear safety-critical systems subject to control input constraints under model uncertainties. Gaussian Processes (GPs) are employed to learn the model error between the nominal model and the actual system dynamics, and the estimated mean and variance of the model error are used to quantify a high-confidence uncertainty bound. Using this estimated uncertainty bound, a safety barrier constraint is devised to ensure safety, and a stability constraint is developed to achieve rapid and accurate tracking. Then the proposed LBSC method is formulated as a quadratic program incorporating the safety barrier, the stability constraint, and the control constraints. The effectiveness of the LBSC method is illustrated on the safety-critical connected cruise control (CCC) system simulator under model uncertainties.