Inverse Potential Problems for Divergence of Measures with Total Variation Regularization

Abstract in English

We study inverse problems for the Poisson equation with source term the divergence of an $mathbf{R}^3$-valued measure, that is, the potential $Phi$ satisfies $$ Delta Phi= text{div} boldsymbol{mu}, $$ and $boldsymbol{mu}$ is to be reconstructed knowing (a component of) the field grad $Phi$ on a set disjoint from the support of $boldsymbol{mu}$. Such problems arise in several electro-magnetic contexts in the quasi-static regime, for instance when recovering a remanent magnetization from measurements of its magnetic field. We develop methods for recovering $boldsymbol{mu}$ based on total variation regularization. We provide sufficient conditions for the unique recovery of $boldsymbol{mu}$, asymptotically when the regularization parameter and the noise tend to zero in a combined fashion, when it is uni-directional or when the magnetization has a support which is sparse in the sense that it is purely 1-unrectifiable. Numerical examples are provided to illustrate the main theoretical results.
