A new universal ratio in Random Matrix Theory and chaotic to integrable transition in Type-I and Type-II hybrid Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev models

Abstract in English

We investigate chaotic to integrable transition in two types of hybrid SYK models which contain both $ q=4 $ SYK with interaction $ J $ and $ q=2 $ SYK with an interaction $ K $ in type-I or $(q=2)^2$ SYK with an interaction $ sqrt{K} $ in type-II. These models include hybrid Majorana fermion, complex fermion and bosonic SYK. For the Majorana fermion case, we discuss both $ N $ even and $ N $ odd case. We make exact symmetry analysis on the possible symmetry class of both types of hybrid SYK in the 10 fold way by Random Matrix Theory (RMT) and also work out the degeneracy of each energy levels. We introduce a new universal ratio which is the ratio of the next nearest neighbour (NNN) energy level spacing to characterize the RMT. We perform exact diagonalization to evaluate both the known NN ratio and the new NNN ratio, then use both ratios to study Chaotic to Integrable transitions (CIT) in both types of hybrid SYK models. We explore some intrinsic connections between the two complementary approaches to quantum chaos: the RMT and the Lyapunov exponent by the $ 1/N $ expansion in the large $ N $ limit at a suitable temperature range. We stress the crucial differences between the quantum phase transition (QPT) characterized by renormalization groups at $ N=infty $, $ 1/N $ expansions at a finite $ N $ and the CIT characterized by the RMT at a finite $ N $. The corresponding distinctions between the edge states and bulk states in Fock spaces are studied. Some future perspectives, especially the failure of the Zamoloddchikovs c-theorem in 1d CFT are outlined.
