Spectroscopic Fingerprint of Chiral Majorana Modes at the Edge of a Quantum Anomalous Hall Insulator / Superconductor Heterostructure

Abstract in English

With the recent discovery of the quantum anomalous Hall insulator (QAHI), which exhibits the conductive quantum Hall edge states without external magnetic field, it becomes possible to create a novel topological superconductor (SC) by introducing superconductivity into these edge states. In this case, two distinct topological superconducting phases with one or two chiral Majorana edge modes were theoretically predicted, characterized by Chern numbers (N ) of 1 and 2, respectively. We present spectroscopic evidence from Andreev reflection experiments for the presence of chiral Majorana modes in a Nb / (Cr0.12Bi0.26Sb0.62)2Te3 heterostructure with distinct signatures attributed to two different topological superconducting phases. The results are in qualitatively good agreement with the theoretical predictions.
