Biomass water content effect on soil moisture assessment via proximal gamma-ray spectroscopy

Abstract in English

Proximal gamma-ray spectroscopy supported by adequate calibration and correction for growing biomass is an effective field scale technique for a continuous monitoring of top soil water content dynamics to be potentially employed as a decision support tool for automatic irrigation scheduling. This study demonstrates that this approach has the potential to be one of the best space-time trade-off methods, representing a joining link between punctual and satellite fields of view. The inverse proportionality between soil moisture and gamma signal is theoretically derived taking into account a non-constant correction due to the presence of growing vegetation beneath the detector position. The gamma signal attenuation due to biomass is modelled with a Monte Carlo-based approach in terms of an equivalent water layer which thickness varies in time as the crop evolves during its life-cycle. The reliability and effectiveness of this approach is proved through a 7 months continuous acquisition of terrestrial gamma radiation in a 0.4 ha tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) test field. We demonstrate that a permanent gamma station installed at an agricultural field can reliably probe the water content of the top soil only if systematic effects due to the biomass shielding are properly accounted for. Biomass corrected experimental values of soil water content inferred from radiometric measurements are compared with gravimetric data acquired under different soil moisture levels, resulting in an average percentage relative discrepancy of about 3% in bare soil condition and of 4% during the vegetated period. The temporal evolution of corrected soil water content values exhibits a dynamic range coherent with the soil hydraulic properties in terms of wilting point, field capacity and saturation.
