Gallai-Ramsey number of odd cycles with chords

Abstract in English

A Gallai coloring is a coloring of the edges of a complete graph without rainbow triangles, and a Gallai $k$-coloring is a Gallai coloring that uses at most $k$ colors. For an integer $kgeq 1$, the Gallai-Ramsey number $GR_k(H)$ of a given graph $H$ is the least positive integer $N$ such that every Gallai $k$-coloring of the complete graph $K_N$ contains a monochromatic copy of $H$. Let $C_m$ denote the cycle on $mge4$ vertices and let $Theta_m$ denote the family of graphs obtained from $C_m$ by adding an additional edge joining two non-consecutive vertices. We prove that $GR_k(Theta_{2n+1})=ncdot 2^k+1$ for all $kgeq 1$ and $ngeq 3$. This implies that $GR_k(C_{2n+1})=ncdot 2^k+1$ all $kgeq 1$ and $ngeq 3$. Our result yields a unified proof for the Gallai-Ramsey number of all odd cycles on at least five vertices.
