Broad-line region structure and line profile variations in the changing look AGN HE1136-2304

Abstract in English

A strong X-ray outburst was detected in HE1136-2304 in 2014. Accompanying optical spectra revealed that the spectral type has changed from a nearly Seyfert 2 type (1.95), classified by spectra taken 10 and 20 years ago, to a Seyfert 1.5 in our most recent observations. We seek to investigate a detailed spectroscopic campaign on the spectroscopic properties and spectral variability behavior of this changing look AGN and compare this to other variable Seyfert galaxies. We carried out a detailed spectroscopic variability campaign of HE1136-2304 with the 10 m Southern African Large Telescope (SALT) between 2014 December and 2015 July. The broad-line region (BLR) of HE1136-2304 is stratified with respect to the distance of the line-emitting regions. The integrated emission line intensities of Halpha, Hbeta, HeI 5876, and HeII 4686 originate at distances of 15.0 (+4.2,-3.8), 7.5 (+4.6,-5.7), 7.3 (+2.8,-4.4), and 3.0 (+5.3,-3.7) light days with respect to the optical continuum at 4570AA. The variability amplitudes of the integrated emission lines are a function of distance to the ionizing continuum source as well. We derived a central black hole mass of 3.8 (+-3.1) 10exp(7) M_solar based on the line widths and distances of the BLR. The outer line wings of all BLR lines respond much faster to continuum variations indicating a Keplerian disk component for the BLR. The response in the outer wings is about two light days shorter than the response of the adjacent continuum flux with respect to the ionizing continuum flux. The vertical BLR structure in HE1136-2304 confirms a general trend that the emission lines of narrow line active galactic nuclei (AGNs) originate at larger distances from the midplane in comparison to AGNs showing broader emission lines. Otherwise, the variability behavior of this changing look AGN is similar to that of other AGN.
