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The association of the Hale Sector Boundary with RHESSI solar flares and active longitudes

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 Added by Konstantina Loumou
 Publication date 2018
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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The heliospheric magnetic field (HMF) is structured into large sectors of positive and negative polarity. The parts of the boundary between these sectors where the change in polarity matches that of the leading-to-following sunspot polarity in that solar hemisphere, are called Hale Sector Boundaries (HSB). We investigate the flare occurrence rate near HSBs and the association between HSBs and active longitudes. Previous work determined the times HSBs were at solar central meridian, using the detection of the HMF sector boundary crossing at the Earth. In addition to this, we use a new approach which finds the HSB locations at all times by determining them from Potential Field Source Surface (PFSS) extrapolations of photospheric magnetograms. We use the RHESSI X-ray flare list for comparison to the HSB as it provides accurate flare locations over 14 years, from February 2002 to February 2016, covering both Cycles 23 and 24. For the active longitude positions we use previously published work based on sunspot observations. We find that the two methods of determining the HSB generally agree and that 41% (Cycle 23) and 47% (Cycle 24) of RHESSI flares occur within $30^circ$ of the PFSS determined-HSB. The behaviour of the HSBs varies over the two Cycles studied, and as expected they swap in hemisphere as the Cycles change. The HSBs and active longitudes do overlap but not consistently. They often move at different rates relative to each other (and the Carrington solar rotation rate) and these vary over each Cycle. The HSBs provide a useful additional activity indicator, particularly during periods when active longitudes are difficult to determine.

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Aims: We seek to illustrate the analysis problems posed by RHESSI spacecraft motion by studying persistent instrumental oscillations found in the lightcurves measured by RHESSIs X-ray detectors in the 6-12 keV and 12-25 keV energy range during the decay phase of the flares of 2004 November 4 and 6. Methods: The various motions of the RHESSI spacecraft which may contribute to the manifestation of oscillations are studied. The response of each detector in turn is also investigated. Results: We find that on 2004 November 6 the observed oscillations correspond to the nutation period of the RHESSI instrument. These oscillations are also of greatest amplitude for detector 5, while in the lightcurves of many other detectors the oscillations are small or undetectable. We also find that the variation in detector pointing is much larger during this flare than the counterexample of 2004 November 4. Conclusions: Sufficiently large nutation motions of the RHESSI spacecraft lead to clearly observable oscillations in count rates, posing a significant hazard for data analysis. This issue is particularly problematic for detector 5 due to its design characteristics. Dynamic correction of the RHESSI counts, accounting for the livetime, data gaps, and the transmission of the bi-grid collimator of each detector, is required to overcome this issue. These corrections should be applied to all future oscillation studies.
Using a thin flux tube model in a rotating spherical shell of turbulent, solar-like convective flows, we find that the distribution of emerging flux tubes in our simulation is inhomogeneous in longitude, with properties similar to those of active longitudes on the Sun and other solar-like stars. The large-scale pattern of flux emergence our simulations produce exhibits preferred longitudinal modes of low order, drift with respect to a fixed reference system, and alignment across the Equator at low latitudes between 15 degrees. We suggest that these active-longitude-like emergence patterns are the result of columnar, rotationally aligned giant cells present in our convection simulation at low latitudes. If giant convecting cells exist in the bulk of the solar convection zone, this phenomenon, along with differential rotation, could in part provide an explanation for the behavior of active longitudes.
200 - J.K. Thalmann , Y. Su , M. Temmer 2015
The unusually large NOAA active region 2192, observed in October 2014, was outstanding in its productivity of major two-ribbon flares without coronal mass ejections. On a large scale, a predominantly north-south oriented magnetic system of arcade fields served as a strong, also lateral, confinement for a series of large two-ribbon flares originating from the core of the active region. The large initial separation of the flare ribbons, together with an almost absent growth in ribbon separation, suggests a confined reconnection site high up in the corona. Based on a detailed analysis of the confined X1.6 flare on October 22, we show how exceptional the flaring of this active region was. We provide evidence for repeated energy release, indicating that the same magnetic field structures were repeatedly involved in magnetic reconnection. We find that a large number of electrons was accelerated to non-thermal energies, revealing a steep power law spectrum, but that only a small fraction was accelerated to high energies. The total non-thermal energy in electrons derived (on the order of 10^25 J) is considerably higher than that in eruptive flares of class X1, and corresponds to about 10% of the excess magnetic energy present in the active-region corona.
We describe the long-term evolution of a bipolar non-Hale active region which was observed from October, 1995, to January, 1996. Along these four solar rotations the sunspots and subsequent flux concentrations, during the decay phase of the region, were observed to move in such a way that by December their orientation conformed to the Hale-Nicholson polarity law. The sigmoidal shape of the observed soft X-ray coronal loops allows us to determine the sense of the twist in the magnetic configuration. This sense is confirmed by extrapolating the observed photospheric magnetic field, using a linear force-free approach, and comparing the shape of computed field lines to the observed coronal loops. This sense of twist agrees with that of the dominant helicity in the solar hemisphere where the region lies, as well as with the evolution observed in the longitudinal magnetogram during the first rotation. At first sight the relative motions of the spots may be miss-interpreted as the rising of an $Omega$-loop deformed by a kink-instability, but we deduce from the sense of their relative displacements a handedness for the flux-tube axis (writhe) which is opposite to that of the twist in the coronal loops and, therefore, to what is expected for a kink-unstable flux-tube. After excluding the kink instability, we interpret our observations in terms of a magnetic flux-tube deformed by external motions while rising through the convective zone. We compare our results with those of other related studies and we discuss, in particular, whether the kink instability is relevant to explain the peculiar evolution of some active regions.
This paper presents results of an ongoing survey on the associations between muon excesses at ground level registered by the Tupi telescopes and transient solar events, two solar flares whose gamma-ray and X-ray emissions were reported by, respectively, the Fermi GBM and the GOES 14. We show that solar flares of small scale, those with prompt X-ray emission classified by GOES as C-Class (power $10^{-6}$ to $10^{-5}$ W m$^2$ at 1 AU) may give rise to muon excess probably associated with solar protons and ions emitted by the flare and arriving at the Earth as a coherent particle pulse. The Tupi telescopes are within the central region of the South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA), which allows particle detectors to achieve a low rigidity of response to primary and secondary charged particles ($geq 0.1$ GV). Here we argue for the possibility of a scale-free energy distribution of particles accelerated by solar flares. Large and small scale flares have the same energy spectrum up to energies exceeding the pion production, the difference between them is only the intensity. If this hypothesis is correct, the Tupi telescope is registering muons produced by protons (ions) whose energy corresponds to the tail of the spectrum. Consequently the energy distribution of the emitted protons has to be a power law spectrum, since power law distributions are characterized as scale free distributions. The Tupi events give support to this conjecture.
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