Methods for the detection of gravitational waves from sub-solar mass ultracompact binaries

Abstract in English

We describe detection methods for extensions of gravitational wave searches to sub-solar mass compact binaries. Sub-solar mass searches were previously carried out using Initial LIGO, and Advanced LIGO boasts a detection volume approximately 1000 times bigger than Initial LIGO at design sensitivity. Low masses present computational difficulties, and we suggest a way to rein in the increase while retaining a sensitivity much greater than previous searches. Sub-solar mass compact objects are of particular interest because they are not expected to form astrophysically. If detected they could be evidence of primordial black holes (PBH). We consider a particular model of PBH binary formation that would allow LIGO/Virgo to place constraints on this population within the context of dark matter, and we demonstrate how to obtain conservative bounds for the upper limit on the dark matter fraction.
