Efficient Quantum Algorithms related to Autocorrelation Spectrum

Abstract in English

In this paper, we propose efficient probabilistic algorithms for several problems regarding the autocorrelation spectrum. First, we present a quantum algorithm that samples from the Walsh spectrum of any derivative of $f()$. Informally, the autocorrelation coefficient of a Boolean function $f()$ at some point $a$ measures the average correlation among the values $f(x)$ and $f(x oplus a)$. The derivative of a Boolean function is an extension of autocorrelation to correlation among multiple values of $f()$. The Walsh spectrum is well-studied primarily due to its connection to the quantum circuit for the Deutsch-Jozsa problem. We extend the idea to Higher-order Deutsch-Jozsa quantum algorithm to obtain points corresponding to large absolute values in the Walsh spectrum of a certain derivative of $f()$. Further, we design an algorithm to sample the input points according to squares of the autocorrelation coefficients. Finally we provide a different set of algorithms for estimating the square of a particular coefficient or cumulative sum of their squares.
