Designs of magnetic atom-trap lattices for quantum simulation experiments

Abstract in English

We have designed and realized magnetic trapping geometries for ultracold atoms based on permanent magnetic films. Magnetic chip based experiments give a high level of control over trap barriers and geometric boundaries in a compact experimental setup. These structures can be used to study quantum spin physics in a wide range of energies and length scales. By introducing defects into a triangular lattice, kagome and hexagonal lattice structures can be created. Rectangular lattices and (quasi-)one-dimensional structures such as ladders and diamond chain trapping potentials have also been created. Quantum spin models can be studied in all these geometries with Rydberg atoms, which allow for controlled interactions over several micrometers. We also present some nonperiodic geometries where the length scales of the traps are varied over a wide range. These tapered structures offer another way to transport large numbers of atoms adiabatically into subwavelength traps and back.
