Probing primordial non-Gaussianity with 21 cm fluctuations from minihalos

Abstract in English

We investigate future constraints on primordial local-type non-Gaussianity from 21 cm angular power spectrum from minihalos. We particularly focus on the trispectrum of primordial curvature perturbations which are characterized by the non-linearity parameters $tau_{rm NL}$ and $g_{rm NL}$. We show that future measurements of minihalo 21 cm angular power spectrum can probe these non-linearity parameters with an unprecedented precision of $tau_{rm NL}sim30$ and $g_{rm NL}sim2times10^3$ for Square Kilometre Array (SKA) and $tau_{rm NL}sim0.6$ and $g_{rm NL}sim8times10^2$ for Fast Fourier Transform Telescope (FFTT). These levels of sensitivity would give significant implications for models of the inflationary Universe and the origin of cosmic density fluctuations.
