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We investigate the spectral function of Bloch states in an one-dimensional tight-binding non-interacting chain with two different models of static correlated disorder, at zero temperature. We report numerical calculations of the single-particle spectral function based on the Kernel Polynomial Method, which has an $mathcal{O}(N)$ computational complexity. These results are then confirmed by analytical calculations, where precise conditions were obtained for the appearance of a classical limit in a single-band lattice system. Spatial correlations in the disordered potential give rise to non-perturbative spectral functions shaped as the probability distribution of the random on-site energies, even at low disorder strengths. In the case of disordered potentials with an algebraic power-spectrum, $proptoleft|kright|^{-alpha}$, we show that the spectral function is not self-averaging for $alphageq1$.
A microwave setup for mode-resolved transport measurement in quasi-one-dimensional (quasi-1D) structures is presented. We will demonstrate a technique for direct measurement of the Greens function of the system. With its help we will investigate quasi-1D structures with various types of disorder. We will focus on stratified structures, i.e., structures that are homogeneous perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation. In this case the interaction between different channels is absent, so wave propagation occurs individually in each open channel. We will apply analytical results developed in the theory of one-dimensional (1D) disordered models in order to explain main features of the quasi-1D transport. The main focus will be selective transport due to long-range correlations in the disorder. In our setup, we can intentionally introduce correlations by changing the positions of periodically spaced brass bars of finite thickness. Because of the equivalence of the stationary Schrodinger equation and the Helmholtz equation, the result can be directly applied to selective electron transport in nanowires, nanostripes, and superlattices.
We study the dynamics of an electron subjected to a uniform electric field within a tight-binding model with long-range-correlated diagonal disorder. The random distribution of site energies is assumed to have a power spectrum $S(k) sim 1/k^{alpha}$ with $alpha > 0$. Moura and Lyra [Phys. Rev. Lett. {bf 81}, 3735 (1998)] predicted that this model supports a phase of delocalized states at the band center, separated from localized states by two mobility edges, provided $alpha > 2$. We find clear signatures of Bloch-like oscillations of an initial Gaussian wave packet between the two mobility edges and determine the bandwidth of extended states, in perfect agreement with the zero-field prediction.
We investigate a $d$-dimensional model ($d$ = 2,3) for sound waves in a disordered environment, in which the local fluctuations of the elastic modulus are spatially correlated with a certain correlation length. The model is solved analytically by means of a field-theoretical effective-medium theory (self-consistent Born approximation) and numerically on a square lattice. As in the uncorrelated case the theory predicts an enhancement of the density of states over Debyes $omega^{d-1}$ law (``boson peak) as a result of disorder. This anomay becomes reinforced for increasing correlation length $xi$. The theory predicts that $xi$ times the width of the Brillouin line should be a universal function of $xi$ times the wavenumber. Such a scaling is found in the 2d simulation data, so that they can be represented in a universal plot. In the low-wavenumber regime, where the lattice structure is irrelevant there is excellent agreement between the simulation at small disorder. At larger disorder the continuum theory deviates from the lattice simulation data. It is argued that this is due to an instability of the model with stronger disorder.
We use large-scale Monte Carlo simulations to test the Weinrib-Halperin criterion that predicts new universality classes in the presence of sufficiently slowly decaying power-law-correlated quenched disorder. While new universality classes are reasonably well established, the predicted exponents are controversial. We propose a method of growing such correlated disorder using the three-dimensional Ising model as benchmark systems both for generating disorder and studying the resulting phase transition. Critical equilibrium configurations of a disorder-free system are used to define the two-value distributed random bonds with a small power-law exponent given by the pure Ising exponent. Finite-size scaling analysis shows a new universality class with a single phase transition, but the critical exponents $ u_d=1.13(5), eta_d=0.48(3)$ differ significantly from theoretical predictions. We find that depending on details of the disorder generation, disorder-averaged quantities can develop peaks at two temperatures for finite sizes. Finally, a layer model with the two values of bonds spatially separated to halves of the system genuinely has multiple phase transitions and thermodynamic properties can be flexibly tuned by adjusting the model parameters.
We evaluate the localization length of the wave solution of a random potential characterized by an arbitrary autocorrelation function. We go beyond the Born approximation to evaluate the localization length using a non-linear approximation and calculate all the correlators needed for the localization length expression. We compare our results with numerical results for the special case, where the autocorrelation decays quadratically with distance. We look at disorder ranging from weak to strong disorder, which shows excellent agreement. For the numerical simulation, we introduce a generic method to obtain a random potential with an arbitrary autocorrelation function. The correlated potential is obtained in terms of the convolution between a Wiener stochastic potential and a function of the correlation.