Generating steady quantum coherence and magic through an autonomous thermodynamic machine by utilizing a spin bath

Abstract in English

Generation of steady quantumness in the presence of an environment is of utmost importance if we are to build practical quantum devices. We propose a scheme of generating steady coherence and magic in a qubit system attached to a heat bath at a certain temperature through its interaction with another qubit system attached to a spin bath. Coherence generation in the reduced qubit is always possible in this model. The steady coherence in the reduced qubit attached to the heat bath may be used to enhance the subsequent transient performance of a quantum absorption refrigerator. For the case of generation of magic, which is the quantum resource responsible for implementation of gates which are not simulable via stabilizer computation, we show that there exists a critical temperature of the heat bath beyond which it is not possible to create magic in the reduced qubit attached to the heat bath. Below the critical temperature, the strength of interaction between the qubits must lie within a certain region for creation of magic. We further note that by increasing the strength of coupling of the second qubit to the spin bath, typified by the reset probability, keeping the coupling strength of the first qubit to the heat bath fixed, it is possible to increase the critical temperature of the heat bath for creation of magic.
