Linear bounds on nowhere-zero group irregularity strength and nowhere-zero group sum chromatic number of graphs

Abstract in English

We investigate the textit{group irregularity strength}, $s_g(G)$, of a graph, i.e. the least integer $k$ such that taking any Abelian group $mathcal{G}$ of order $k$, there exists a function $f:E(G)rightarrow mathcal{G}$ so that the sums of edge labels incident with every vertex are distinct. So far the best upper bound on $s_g(G)$ for a general graph $G$ was exponential in $n-c$, where $n$ is the order of $G$ and $c$ denotes the number of its components. In this note we prove that $s_g(G)$ is linear in $n$, namely not greater than $2n$. In fact, we prove a stronger result, as we additionally forbid the identity element of a group to be an edge label or the sum of labels around a vertex. We consider also locally irregular labelings where we require only sums of adjacent vertices to be distinct. For the corresponding graph invariant we prove the general upper bound: $Delta(G)+{rm col}(G)-1$ (where ${rm col}(G)$ is the coloring number of $G$) in the case when we do not use the identity element as an edge label, and a slightly worse one if we additionally forbid it as the sum of labels around a vertex. In the both cases we also provide a sharp upper bound for trees and a constant upper bound for the family of planar graphs.
