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A Geometrically Frustrated Trimer-Based Mott Insulator

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 Added by Loi Nguyen
 Publication date 2018
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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The crystal structure of Ba4NbRu3O12 is based on triangular planes of elongated Ru3O12 trimers oriented perpendicular to the plane. We report that it is semiconducting, that its Weiss temperature and effective magnetic moment are -155 K and 2.59 {mu}B/f.u. respectively, and that magnetic susceptibility and specific heat data indicate that it exhibits magnetic ordering near 4 K. The presence of a high density of low energy states is evidenced by a substantial Sommerfeld-like T-linear term (gamma = 31(2) mJ/mole-K^2) in the specific heat. Electronic structure calculations reveal that the electronic states at the Fermi Energy reside on the Ru3O12 trimers and that the calculated density of electronic states is high and continuous around the Fermi Energy - in other words density functional theory calculates the material to be a metal. Our results imply that Ba4NbRu3O12 is a geometrically frustrated trimer-based Mott insulator.

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92 - R. Okazaki , S. Ito , K. Tanabe 2018
We have measured the reflectivity spectra of the barium iridate $9R$ BaIrO$_3$, the crystal structure of which consists of characteristic Ir$_3$O$_{12}$ trimers. In the high-temperature phase above the transition temperature $T_csimeq180$ K, we find that the optical conductivity involves two temperature-dependent optical transitions with an ill-defined Drude response. These features are reminiscent of the optical spectra in the organic dimer Mott insulators, implying a possible emergence of an unusual electronic state named trimer Mott insulator in BaIrO$_3$, where the carrier is localized on the trimer owing to the strong Coulomb repulsion. Along with a pronounced splitting of the phonon peak observed below $T_c$, which is a hallmark of charge disproportionation, we discuss a possible phase transition from the trimer Mott insulator to a charge-ordered insulating phase in BaIrO$_3$.
We report the synthesis and characterization of Li2ZnV3O8, which is a new Zn-doped LiV2O4 system containing only tetravalent vanadium. A Curie-Weiss susceptibility with a Curie-Weiss temperature of <theta>CW ~214 K suggests the presence of strong antiferromagnetic correlations in this system. We have observed a splitting between the zero-field cooled ZFC and field cooled FC susceptibility curves below 6 K. A peak is present in the ZFC curve around 3.5 K suggestive of spin-freezing . Similarly, a broad hump is also seen in the inferred magnetic heat capacity around 9 K. The consequent entropy change is only about 8% of the value expected for an ordered S = 1=2 system. This reduction indicates continued presence of large disorder in the system in spite of the large <theta>CW, which might result from strong geometric frustration in the system. We did not find any temperature T dependence in our 7Li nuclear magnetic resonance NMR shift down to 6 K (an abrupt change in the shift takes place below 6 K) though considerable T-dependence has been found in literature for LiV2O4- undoped or with other Zn/Ti contents. Consistent with the above observation, the 7Li nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rate 1/T1 is relatively small and nearly T-independent except a small increase close to the freezing temperature, once again, small compared to undoped or 10% Zn or 20% Ti-doped LiV2O4.
Frustrated systems are ubiquitous and interesting because their behavior is difficult to predict. Magnetism offers extreme examples in the form of spin lattices where all interactions between spins cannot be simultaneously satisfied. Such geometrical frustration leads to macroscopic degeneracies, and offers the possibility of qualitatively new states of matter whose nature has yet to be fully understood. Here we have discovered how novel composite spin degrees of freedom can emerge from frustrated interactions in the cubic spinel ZnCr2O4. Upon cooling, groups of six spins self-organize into weakly interacting antiferromagnetic loops whose directors, defined as the unique direction along which the spins are aligned parallel or antiparallel, govern all low temperature dynamics. The experimental evidence comes from a measurement of the magnetic form factor by inelastic neutron scattering. While the data bears no resemblance to the atomic form factor for chromium, they are perfectly consistent with the form factor for hexagonal spin loop directors. The hexagon directors are to a first approximation decoupled from each other and hence their reorientations embody the long-sought local zero energy modes for the pyrochlore lattice.
The local atomic and magnetic structures of the compounds $A$MnO$_2$ ($A$ = Na, Cu), which realize a geometrically frustrated, spatially anisotropic triangular lattice of Mn spins, have been investigated by atomic and magnetic pair distribution function analysis of neutron total scattering data. Relief of frustration in CuMnO$_2$ is accompanied by a conventional cooperative symmetry-lowering lattice distortion driven by Neel order. In NaMnO$_2$, however, the distortion has a short-range nature. A cooperative interaction between the locally broken symmetry and short-range magnetic correlations lifts the magnetic degeneracy on a nanometer length scale, enabling long-range magnetic order in the Na-derivative. The degree of frustration, mediated by residual disorder, contributes to the rather differing pathways to a single, stable magnetic ground state in these two related compounds. This study demonstrates how nanoscale structural distortions that cause local-scale perturbations can lift the ground state degeneracy and trigger macroscopic magnetic order.
215 - M. Pregelj , A. Zorko , O. Zaharko 2013
The layered FeTe2O5Cl compound was studied by specific-heat, muon spin relaxation, nuclear magnetic resonance, dielectric, as well as neutron and synchrotron x-ray diffraction measurements, and the results were compared to isostructural FeTe2O5Br. We find that the low-temperature ordered state, similarly as in FeTe2O5Br, is multiferroic - the elliptical amplitude-modulated magnetic cycloid and the electric polarization simultaneously develop below 11 K. However, compared to FeTe2O5Br, the magnetic elliptical envelop rotates by 75(4) deg and the orientation of the electric polarization is much more sensitive to the applied electric field. We propose that the observed differences between the two isostructural compounds arise from geometric frustration, which enhances the effects of otherwise subtle Fe3+ (S = 5/2) magnetic anisotropies. Finally, x-ray diffraction results imply that, on the microscopic scale, the magnetoelectric coupling is driven by shifts of the O1 atoms, as a response to the polarization of the Te4+ lone-pair electrons involved in the Fe-O-Te-O-Fe exchange bridges.
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