3D maps of interstellar dust in the Local Arm: using $Gaia$, 2MASS and APOGEE-DR14

Abstract in English

Gaia data and stellar surveys open the way to the construction of detailed 3D maps of the Galactic interstellar (IS) dust based on the synthesis of star distances and extinctions. Reliable extinction measurements require very accurate photometric calibrations. We show the first step of an iterative process linking 3D dust maps and photometric calibrations and improving them simultaneously. Our previous 3D map of nearby IS dust was used to select low reddening SDSS/APOGEE-DR14 red giants, and this database served for an empirical effective temperature- and metallicity-dependent photometric calibration in the Gaia G and 2MASS Ks bands. This calibration has been combined with Gaia G-band empirical extinction coefficients recently published, G, J and Ks photometry and APOGEE atmospheric parameters to derive the extinction of a large fraction of the survey targets. Distances were estimated independently using isochrones and the magnitude-independent extinction K(J-Ks). This new dataset has been merged with the one used for the earlier version of dust map. A new Bayesian inversion of distance-extinction pairs has been performed to produce an updated 3D map. We present several properties of the new map. Its comparison with 2D dust emission reveals that all large dust shells seen in emission at mid- and high-latitude are closer than 300pc. The updated distribution constrains the well debated, X-ray bright North Polar Spur to originate beyond 800 pc. We use the Orion region to illustrate additional details and distant clouds. On the large scale the map reveals a complex structure of the Local Arm. 2 to 3 kpc-long chains of clouds appear in planes tilted by 15 deg with respect to the Galactic plane. A series of cavities oriented along a l=60-240deg axis crosses the Arm. (http://stilism.obspm.fr)
