Meson-exchange currents and quasielastic predictions for neutrino-nucleus scattering

Abstract in English

We review some recent progress in the study of electroweak interactions in nuclei within the SuSAv2-MEC model. The model has the capability to predict (anti)neutrino scattering observables on different nuclei. The theoretical predictions are compared with the recent T2K $ u_mu-^{16}$O data and good agreement is found at all kinematics. The results are very similar to those obtained for $ u_mu-^{12}$C scattering, except at low energies, where some differences emerge. The role of meson-exchange currents in the two-particle two-hole channel is analyzed in some detail. In particular it is shown that the density dependence of these contributions is different from what is found for the quasielastic response.
