From Coulomb excitation cross sections to non-resonant astrophysical rates in three-body systems: $^{17}$Ne case

Abstract in English

Coulomb and nuclear dissociation of $^{17}$Ne on light and heavy targets are studied theoretically. The dipole E1 strength function is determined in a broad energy range including energies of astrophysical interest. Dependence of the strength function on different parameters of the $^{17}$Ne ground state structure and continuum dynamics is analyzed in a three-body model. The discovered dependence plays an important role for studies of the strength functions for the three-body E1 dissociation and radiative capture. The constraints on the $[s^2]/[d^2]$ configuration mixing in $^{17}$Ne and on $p$-wave interaction in the $^{15}$O+$p$ channel are imposed based on experimental data for $^{17}$Ne Coulomb dissociation on heavy target.
