Ordinary muon capture studies for the matrix elements in $betabeta$ decay

Abstract in English

Precise measurement of $gamma$-rays following ordinary (non-radiative) capture of negative muons by natural Se, Kr, Cd and Sm, as well as isotopically enriched $^{48}$Ti, $^{76}$Se, $^{82}$Kr, $^{106}$Cd and $^{150}$Sm targets was performed by means of HPGe detectors. Energy and time distributions were investigated and total life time of negative muon in different isotopes was deduced. Detailed analysis of $gamma$-lines intensity allows to extract relative yield of several daughter nuclei and partial rates of ($mu$,$ u$) capture to numerous excited levels of the $^{48}$Sc, $^{76}$As, $^{82}$Br, $^{106}$Ag and $^{150}$Tc isotopes which are considered to be virtual states of an intermediate odd-odd nucleus in 2$beta$-decay of $^{48}$Ca, $^{76}$Ge, $^{82}$Se, $^{106}$Cd and $^{150}$Nd, respectively. These rates are important as an experimental input for the theoretical calculation of the nuclear matrix elements of 2$beta$-decay.
