Self propulsion of droplets driven by an active permeating gel

Abstract in English

We discuss the flow field and propulsion velocity of active droplets, which are driven by body forces residing on a rigid gel. The latter is modelled as a porous medium which gives rise to permeation forces. In the simplest model, the Brinkman equation, the porous medium is characterised by a single length scale $ell$ --the square root of the permeability. We compute the flow fields inside and outside of the droplet as well as the energy dissipation as a function of $ell$. We furthermore show that there are optimal gel fractions, giving rise to maximal linear and rotational velocities. In the limit $elltoinfty$, corresponding to a very dilute gel, we recover Stokes flow. The opposite limit, $ellto 0$, corresponding to a space filling gel, is singular and not equivalent to Darcys equation, which cannot account for self-propulsion.
