Thermal Behavior of a Single Magnetic Vortex Studied with Magnetotransport

Abstract in English

Spin textures such as skyrmions and magnetic vortices are good candidates for a variety of applications, such as magnetic memories, oscillators and neuromorphic computing. Understanding the magnetic process of these systems is important, as it determines the systems response in field and frequency. In this work, we investigated the magnetization process of single microdisks by measuring their magnetotransport properties as a function of temperature. The strong dependence of resistance on the disks magnetic state helped us understand the magnetization configurations of a single microdisk for different temperatures and fields. We determined the thermal barriers for the nucleation and annihilation processes by fitting the nucleation and annihilation fields to an exponential model. Moreover, we observed and characterized the domain wall depinning effect for temperatures below 100 K. This effect prevents the formation of a magnetic vortex during the nucleation process.
