The Hubble Catalog of Variables (HCV)

Abstract in English

The Hubble Source Catalog (HSC) combines lists of sources detected on images obtained with the WFPC2, ACS and WFC3 instruments aboard the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) available in the Hubble Legacy Archive. The catalog contains time-domain information with about two million of its sources detected with the same instrument and filter in at least five HST visits. The Hubble Catalog of Variables (HCV) project aims to identify HSC sources showing significant brightness variations. A magnitude-dependent threshold in the median absolute deviation of photometric measurements (an outlier-resistant measure of lightcurve scatter) is adopted as the variability-detection statistic. It is supplemented with a cut in $chi_{rm red}^2$ that removes sources with large photometric errors. A pre-processing procedure involving bad image identification, outlier rejection and computation of local magnitude zero-point corrections is applied to HSC lightcurves before computing the variability detection statistic. About 52000 HSC sources are identified as candidate variables, among which 7800 show variability in more than one filter. Visual inspection suggests that $sim 70%$ of the candidates detected in multiple filters are true variables while the remaining $sim 30%$ are sources with aperture photometry corrupted by blending, imaging artifacts or image processing anomalies. The candidate variables have AB magnitudes in the range 15-27$^{m}$ with the median 22$^{m}$. Among them are the stars in our own and nearby galaxies as well as active galactic nuclei.
