The effect of oscillator and dipole-dipole interaction on multiple optomechanically induced transparency in cavity optomechanical system

Abstract in English

We theoretically investigate the optomechanically induced transparency (OMIT) phenomenon in a N-cavity optomechanical system doped with a pair of Rydberg atoms with the presence of a strong pump field and a weak probe field applied to the Nth cavity. 2N-1(N<10) number OMIT windows can be observed in the output field when N cavities coupled with N mechanical oscillators, respectively. But, the mechanical oscillators coupled with different even-odd label cavities lead to different effect on OMIT. On the other hand, two additional transparent windows (extra resonances) are presented, if two Rydberg atoms are coupled with the cavity field. With the DDI increasing, it is interesting that the extra resonances move to right and the left extra resonance moves slowly than the right one. During this process, Fano resonance is also shown on the output field.
