Tuning Rashba spin-orbit coupling in homogeneous semiconductor nanowires

Abstract in English

We use $vec{k}cdotvec{p}$ theory to estimate the Rashba spin-orbit coupling (SOC) in large semiconductor nanowires. We specifically investigate GaAs- and InSb-based devices with different gate configurations to control symmetry and localization of the electron charge density. We explore gate-controlled SOC for wires of different size and doping, and we show that in high carrier density SOC has a non-linear electric field susceptibility, due to large reshaping of the quantum states. We analyze recent experiments with InSb nanowires in light of our calculations. Good agreement is found with SOC coefficients reported in Phys. Rev.B 91, 201413(R) (2015), but not with the much larger values reported in Nat Commun., 8, 478 (2017). We discuss possible origins of this discrepancy.
