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We present a novel Lyman alpha (Ly$alpha$) radiative transfer code, SEURAT, where line scatterings are solved adaptively with the resolution of the smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH). The radiative transfer method implemented in SEURAT is based on a Monte Carlo algorithm in which the scattering and absorption by dust are also incorporated. We perform standard test calculations to verify the validity of the code; (i) emergent spectra from a static uniform sphere, (ii) emergent spectra from an expanding uniform sphere, and (iii) escape fraction from a dusty slab. Thereby we demonstrate that our code solves the Ly$alpha$ radiative transfer with sufficient accuracy. We emphasise that SEURAT can treat the transfer of Ly$alpha$ photons even in highly complex systems that have significantly inhomogeneous density fields. The high adaptivity of SEURAT is desirable to solve the propagation of Ly$alpha$ photons in the interstellar medium of young star-forming galaxies like Ly$alpha$ emitters (LAEs). Thus, SEURAT provides a powerful tool to model the emergent spectra of Ly$alpha$ emission, which can be compared to the observations of LAEs.
Radiative transfer modelling is part of many astrophysical simulations and is used to make synthetic observations and to assist analysis of observations. We concentrate on the modelling of the radio lines emitted by the interstellar medium. In connection with high-resolution models, this can be significant computationally challenge. Our goal is a line radiative transfer (RT) program that makes good use of multi-core CPUs and GPUs. Parallelisation is essential to speed up computations and to enable the tackling of large modelling tasks with personal computers. The program LOC is based on ray-tracing and uses standard accelerated lambda iteration (ALI) methods for faster convergence. The program works on 1D and 3D grids. The 1D version makes use of symmetries to speed up the RT calculations. The 3D version works with octree grids and, to enable calculations with large models, is optimised for low memory usage. Tests show that LOC gives results that are in agreement with other RT codes to within ~2%. This is typical of code-to-code differences, which often are related to different interpretations of the model set-up. LOC run times compare favourably with those of Monte Carlo codes. In 1D tests, LOC runs were by up to a factor ~20 faster on a GPU than on a single CPU core. In spite of the complex path calculations, up to ~10 speed-up was observed also for 3D models using octree discretisation. GPUs enable calculations of models with hundreds of millions of cells, as encountered in the context of large-scale simulations of interstellar clouds. LOC shows good performance and accuracy and and is able to handle many RT modelling tasks on personal computers. Being written in Python, with the computing-intensive parts implemented as compiled OpenCL kernels, it can also a serve as a platform for further experimentation with alternative RT implementations.
We adapt a modern scheme of smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) to our tree N-body/SPH galactic chemodynamics code GCD+. The applied scheme includes imple- mentations of the artificial viscosity switch and artificial thermal conductivity pro- posed by Morris & Monaghan (1997), Rosswog & Price (2007) and Price (2008), to model discontinuities and Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities more accurately. We first present hydrodynamics test simulations and contrast the results to runs undertaken without artificial viscosity switch or thermal conduction. In addition, we also explore the different levels of smoothing by adopting larger or smaller smoothing lengths, i.e. a larger or smaller number of neighbour particles, Nnb. We demonstrate that the new version of GCD+ is capable of modelling Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities to a simi- lar level as the mesh code, Athena. From the Gresho vortex, point-like explosion and self-similar collapse tests, we conclude that setting the smoothing length to keep the number of neighbour particles as high as Nnb~58 is preferable to adopting smaller smoothing lengths. We present our optimised parameter sets from the hydrodynamics tests.
We present an implementation of smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) with improved accuracy for simulations of galaxies and the large-scale structure. In particular, we combine, implement, modify and test a vast majority of SPH improvement techniques in the latest instalment of the GADGET code. We use the Wendland kernel functions, a particle wake-up time-step limiting mechanism and a time-dependent scheme for artificial viscosity, which includes a high-order gradient computation and shear flow limiter. Additionally, we include a novel prescription for time-dependent artificial conduction, which corrects for gravitationally induced pressure gradients and largely improves the SPH performance in capturing the development of gas-dynamical instabilities. We extensively test our new implementation in a wide range of hydrodynamical standard tests including weak and strong shocks as well as shear flows, turbulent spectra, gas mixing, hydrostatic equilibria and self-gravitating gas clouds. We jointly employ all modifications; however, when necessary we study the performance of individual code modules. We approximate hydrodynamical states more accurately and with significantly less noise than standard SPH. Furthermore, the new implementation promotes the mixing of entropy between different fluid phases, also within cosmological simulations. Finally, we study the performance of the hydrodynamical solver in the context of radiative galaxy formation and non-radiative galaxy cluster formation. We find galactic disks to be colder, thinner and more extended and our results on galaxy clusters show entropy cores instead of steadily declining entropy profiles. In summary, we demonstrate that our improved SPH implementation overcomes most of the undesirable limitations of standard SPH, thus becoming the core of an efficient code for large cosmological simulations.
Thermal dust emission carries information on physical conditions and dust properties in many astronomical sources. Because observations represent a sum of emission along the line of sight, their interpretation often requires radiative transfer modelling. We describe a new radiative transfer program SOC for computations of dust emission and examine its performance in simulations of interstellar clouds with external and internal heating. SOC implements the Monte Carlo radiative transfer method as a parallel program for shared memory computers. It can be used to study dust extinction, scattering, and emission. We tested SOC with realistic cloud models and examined the convergence and noise of the dust temperature estimates and of the resulting surface brightness maps. SOC has been demonstrated to produces accurate estimates for dust scattering and for thermal dust emission. It performs well with both with CPUs and with GPUs, the latter providing up to an order of magnitude speed-up. In the test cases, ALI improved the convergence rates but also was sensitive to Monte Carlo noise. Run-time refinement of the hierarchical-grid models did not help in reducing the run times required for a given accuracy of solution. The use of a reference field, without ALI, works more robustly. It also allows the run time to be optimised if the number of photon packages is increased only as the iterations progress. The use of GPUs in radiative transfer computations should be investigated further.
We present a new algorithm for radiative transfer, based on a statistical Monte-Carlo approach, that does not suffer from teleportation effects on the one hand, and yields smooth results on the other hand. Implicit-Monte-Carlo (IMC) techniques for modeling radiative transfer exist from the 70s. However, in optically thick problems, the basic algorithm suffers from `teleportation errors, where the photons propagate faster than the exact physical behavior, due to the absorption-black body emission processes. One possible solution is to use semi-analog Monte-Carlo, in its new implicit form (ISMC), that uses two kinds of particles, photons and discrete material particles. This algorithm yields excellent teleportation-free results, however, it also results with nosier solutions (relative to classic IMC) due to its discrete nature. Here, we derive a new Monte-Carlo algorithm, Discrete implicit Monte-Carlo (DIMC) that uses the idea of the two-kind discrete particles and thus, does not suffer from teleportation errors. DIMC implements the IMC discretization and creates new radiation photons each time step, unlike ISMC. This yields smooth results as classic IMC, due to the continuous absorption technique. One of the main parts of the algorithm is the avoidance of population explosion of particles, using particle merging. We test the new algorithm in both one and two-dimensional cylindrical problems, and show that it yields smooth, teleportation-free results. We finish in demonstrating the power of the new algorithm in a classic radiative hydrodynamic problem, an opaque radiative shock wave. This demonstrates the power of the new algorithm in astrophysical scenarios.