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We demonstrate the possiblity to cool nanoelectronic systems in nonequilibrium situations by increasing the temperature of the environment. Such cooling by heating is possible for a variety of experimental conditions where the relevant transport-induced excitation processes become quenched and deexcitation processes are enhanced upon an increase of temperature. The phenomenon turns out to be robust with respect to all relevant parameters. It is especially pronounced for higher bias voltages and weak to moderate coupling. Our findings have implications for open quantum systems in general, where electron transport is coupled to mechanical (phononic) or photonic degrees of freedom. In particular, molecular junctions with rigid tunneling pathways or quantum dot circuit QED systems meet the required conditions.
We reanalyse the work of Cleuren et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 248902 (2012), in the light of Jiang et al. Phys. Rev. B 85, 075412 (2012). The condition for cooling enforces its rate to be exponentially small at low temperatures. Thus, the difficulty with the dynamic version of the third law found by Levy et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 248901 (2012) and Allahverdyan et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 248903 (2012) is resolved.
Heat management and refrigeration are key concepts for nanoscale devices operating at cryogenic temperatures. The design of an on-chip mesoscopic refrigerator that works thanks to the input heat is presented, thus realizing a solid state implementation of the concept of cooling by heating. The system consists of a circuit featuring a thermoelectric element based on a ferromagnetic insulator-superconductor tunnel junction (N-FI-S) and a series of two normal metal-superconductor tunnel junctions (SINIS). The N-FI-S element converts the incoming heat in a thermovoltage, which is applied to the SINIS, thereby yielding cooling. The coolers performance is investigated as a function of the input heat current for different bath temperatures. We show that this system can efficiently employ the performance of SINIS refrigeration, with a substantial cooling of the normal metal island. Its scalability and simplicity in the design makes it a promising building block for low-temperature on-chip energy management applications.
We present a hierarchical quantum master equation (HQME) approach, which allows the numerically exact evaluation of higher-order current cumulants in the framework of full counting statistics for nonequilibrium charge transport in nanosystems. The novel methodology is exemplarily applied to a model of vibrationally coupled electron transport in a molecular nanojunction. We investigate the influence of cotunneling on avalanche-like transport, in particular in the nonresonant transport regime, where we find that inelastic cotunneling acts as trigger process for resonant avalanches. In this regime, we also demonstrate that the correction to the elastic noise upon opening of the inelastic transport channel is strongly affected by the nonequilibrium excitation of the vibration as well as the polaron shift.
Within the hierarchical quantum master equation (HQME) framework, an approach is presented, which allows a numerically exact description of nonequilibrium charge transport in nanosystems with strong electronic-vibrational coupling. The method is applied to a generic model of vibrationally coupled transport considering a broad spectrum of parameters ranging from the nonadiabatic to the adiabatic regime and including both resonant and off-resonant transport. We show that nonequilibrium effects are important in all these regimes. In particular in the off-resonant transport regime, the inelastic co-tunneling signal is analyzed for a vibrational mode in full nonequilibrium, revealing a complex interplay of different transport processes and deviations from the commonly used $G_0/2$-thumb-rule. In addition, the HQME-approach is used to benchmark approximate master equation and nonequilibrium Greens function methods.
Thermoelectric effects allow the generation of electrical power from waste heat and the electrical control of cooling and heating. Remarkably, these effects are also highly sensitive to the asymmetry in the density of states around the Fermi energy and can therefore be exploited as probes of distortions in the electronic structure at the nanoscale. Here we consider two-dimensional graphene as an excellent nanoscale carbon material for exploring the interaction between electronic and thermal transport phenomena, by presenting a direct and quantitative measurement of the Peltier component to electronic cooling and heating in graphene. Thanks to an architecture including nanoscale thermometers, we detected Peltier component modulation of up to 15 mK for currents of 20 $mu$A at room temperature and observed a full reversal between Peltier cooling and heating for electron and hole regimes. This fundamental thermodynamic property is a complementary tool for the study of nanoscale thermoelectric transport in two-dimensional materials.