Photovoltaic effect and photopolarization in Pb[(Mg1/3Nb2/3)0.68Ti0.32]O3 crystal

Abstract in English

Ferroelectric photovoltaic materials are an alternative to semiconductor-based photovoltaics and offer the advantage of above bandgap photovoltage generation. However, there are few known compounds, and photovoltaic efficiencies remain low. Here, we report the discovery of a photovoltaic effect in undoped lead magnesium niobate-lead titanate crystal and a significant improvement in the photovoltaic response under suitable electric fields and temperatures. The photovoltaic effect is maximum near the electric-field-driven ferroelectric dipole reorientation, and increases threefold near the Curie temperature. Moreover, at ferroelectric saturation, the photovoltaic response exhibits clear remanent and transient effects. The transient-remanent combinations together with electric and thermal tuning possibilities indicate photoferroelectric crystals as emerging elements for photovoltaics and optoelectronics, relevant to all-optical information storage and beyond.
