A new distribution for multiplicities in leptonic and hadronic collisions at high energies

Abstract in English

Charged particles production in the electron-positron, pbarp and pp collisions in full phase space as well as in the restricted phase space slices, at high energies are described with predictions from shifted Gompertz distribution, a model of adoption of innovations. The distribution has been extensively used in diffusion theory, social networks and forecasting. A two-component model in which PDF is obtained from the superposition of two shifted Gompertz distributions has been introduced to improve the fitting of the experimental distributions by several orders. The two-components correspond to the two subgroups of a data set, one representing the soft interactions and the other semi-hard interactions. Mixing is done by appropriately assigning weights to each subgroup. Our first attempt to analyse the data with shifted Gompertz distribution has produced extremely good results. It is suggested that the distribution may be included in the host of distributions more often used for the multiplicity analyses.
