Diversifying Support Vector Machines for Boosting using Kernel Perturbation: Applications to Class Imbalance and Small Disjuncts

Abstract in English

The diversification (generating slightly varying separating discriminators) of Support Vector Machines (SVMs) for boosting has proven to be a challenge due to the strong learning nature of SVMs. Based on the insight that perturbing the SVM kernel may help in diversifying SVMs, we propose two kernel perturbation based boosting schemes where the kernel is modified in each round so as to increase the resolution of the kernel-induced Reimannian metric in the vicinity of the datapoints misclassified in the previous round. We propose a method for identifying the disjuncts in a dataset, dispelling the dependence on rule-based learning methods for identifying the disjuncts. We also present a new performance measure called Geometric Small Disjunct Index (GSDI) to quantify the performance on small disjuncts for balanced as well as class imbalanced datasets. Experimental comparison with a variety of state-of-the-art algorithms is carried out using the best classifiers of each type selected by a new approach inspired by multi-criteria decision making. The proposed method is found to outperform the contending state-of-the-art methods on different datasets (ranging from mildly imbalanced to highly imbalanced and characterized by varying number of disjuncts) in terms of three different performance indices (including the proposed GSDI).
