HOPS 108: Star-formation triggered by a non-thermal jet?

Abstract in English

The nature of the far-IR source HOPS 108 has been a matter of debate in the last years. Previous radio observations detected a 3.6 cm source (VLA 12), coincident with HOPS 108, that was interpreted as a radio jet from this protostar. We present new multi-wavelength (0.7-5 cm), multi-configuration VLA observations as well as archive data (3.6 cm) that reveal VLA 12 as three knots of non-thermal emission, with HOPS 108 close to the central knot. We show that these knots have not been ejected by HOPS 108. We propose that the VLA 12 knots are actually part of a radio jet driven by VLA 11 (HOPS 370), a strong nearby source clearly elongated in the direction of the knots. The position of HOPS 108 in the path of the VLA 11-VLA 12 jet suggests an appealing new scenario: the triggered formation of HOPS 108 by the interaction of the jet with the surrounding medium.
