Graphene multi-mode parametric oscillators

Abstract in English

In the field of nanomechanics, parametric excitations are of interest since they can greatly enhance sensing capabilities and eliminate cross-talk. However, parametric excitations often rely on externally tuned springs, which limits their application to high quality factor resonators and usually does not allow excitation of multiple higher modes into parametric resonance. Here we demonstrate parametric amplification and resonance of suspended single-layer graphene membranes by an efficient opto-thermal drive that modulates the intrinsic spring constant. With a large amplitude of the optical drive, a record number of 14 mechanical modes can be brought into parametric resonance by modulating a single parameter: the pretension. In contrast to conventional mechanical resonators, it is shown that graphene membranes demonstrate an interesting combination of both strong nonlinear stiffness and nonlinear damping.
