Defining Urban Boundaries by Characteristic Scales

Abstract in English

Defining an objective boundary for a city is a difficult problem, which remains to be solved by an effective method. Recent years, new methods for identifying urban boundary have been developed by means of spatial search techniques (e.g. CCA). However, the new algorithms are involved with another problem, that is, how to determine the radius of spatial search objectively. This paper proposes new approaches to looking for the most advisable spatial searching radius for determining urban boundary. The key is to find out the characteristic length of spatial search by certain functional relationships. A discovery is that the relationships between the spatial searching radius and the corresponding number of clusters take on an exponential function, in which the scale parameter just represents the characteristic length. Using the characteristic length, we can define the most objective urban boundary. Two sets of Chinese cities are employed to test this method, and the results lend support to judgment that the characteristic parameter can serve for the spatial searching radius. This study suggests a new way of determining urban boundary and determining city size in the right perspective.
