Heptavalent symmetric graphs with solvable stabilizers admitting vertex-transitive non-abelian simple groups

Abstract in English

A graph $Gamma$ is said to be symmetric if its automorphism group $rm Aut(Gamma)$ acts transitively on the arc set of $Gamma$. In this paper, we show that if $Gamma$ is a finite connected heptavalent symmetric graph with solvable stabilizer admitting a vertex-transitive non-abelian simple group $G$ of automorphisms, then either $G$ is normal in $rm Aut(Gamma)$, or $rm Aut(Gamma)$ contains a non-abelian simple normal subgroup $T$ such that $Gleq T$ and $(G,T)$ is explicitly given as one of $11$ possible exception pairs of non-abelian simple groups. Furthermore, if $G$ is regular on the vertex set of $Gamma$ then the exception pair $(G,T)$ is one of $7$ possible pairs, and if $G$ is arc-transitive then the exception pair $(G,T)=(A_{17},A_{18})$ or $(A_{35},A_{36})$.
