We experimentally study the coupling of Group V donor spins in silicon to mechanical strain, and measure strain-induced frequency shifts which are linear in strain, in contrast to the quadratic dependence predicted by the valley repopulation model (VRM), and therefore orders of magnitude greater than that predicted by the VRM for small strains $|varepsilon| < 10^{-5}$. Through both tight-binding and first principles calculations we find that these shifts arise from a linear tuning of the donor hyperfine interaction term by the hydrostatic component of strain and achieve semi-quantitative agreement with the experimental values. Our results provide a framework for making quantitative predictions of donor spins in silicon nanostructures, such as those being used to develop silicon-based quantum processors and memories. The strong spin-strain coupling we measure (up to 150~GHz per strain, for Bi-donors in Si), offers a method for donor spin tuning --- shifting Bi donor electron spins by over a linewidth with a hydrostatic strain of order $10^{-6}$ --- as well as opportunities for coupling to mechanical resonators.