Two-Loop Renormalization Group Equations and Gauge Couplings Unification

Abstract in English

We analize the impact of two-loop renormalization group equations on the $SU(3)_ctimes SU(2)_wtimes U(1)_Y$ gauge couplings unification in various supersymmetric theories. In general the presence of superfields in higher representation than the doublet spoil the gauge couplings unification at one-loop. The situation is more interesting when the renormalization group equations are calculated at two-loop. In this case we show that the unification of the gauge couplings can be achieved for models with triplet superfield(s). In the analysis of the models with triplet superfield(s) we show that the dimensionless couplings do not have a Landau pole in their evolution at high energies but they run to a nontrivial ultraviolet fixed point.
