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The singular locus of semisimple Hessenberg varieties

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 Added by Erik Insko
 Publication date 2017
and research's language is English

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Although regular semisimple Hessenberg varieties are smooth and irreducible, semisimple Hessenberg varieties are not necessarily smooth in general. In this paper we determine the irreducible components of semisimple Hessenberg varieties corresponding to the standard Hessenberg space. We prove that these irreducible components are smooth and give an explicit description of their intersections, which constitute the singular locus. We conclude with an example of a semisimple Hessenberg variety corresponding to another Hessenberg space which is singular and irreducible, showing that results of this nature do not hold for all semisimple Hessenberg varieties.

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378 - Martha Precup 2012
In this paper we consider certain closed subvarieties of the flag variety, known as Hessenberg varieties. We prove that Hessenberg varieties corresponding to nilpotent elements which are regular in a Levi factor are paved by affines. We provide a partial reduction from paving Hessenberg varieties for arbitrary elements to paving those corresponding to nilpotent elements. As a consequence, we generalize results of Tymoczko asserting that Hessenberg varieties for regular nilpotent and arbitrary elements of mathfrak{gl}_n(C) are paved by affines. For example, our results prove that any Hessenberg variety corresponding to a regular element is paved by affines. As a corollary, in all these cases the Hessenberg variety has no odd dimensional cohomology.
Regular semisimple Hessenberg varieties are subvarieties of the flag variety $mathrm{Flag}(mathbb{C}^n)$ arising naturally in the intersection of geometry, representation theory, and combinatorics. Recent results of Abe-Horiguchi-Masuda-Murai-Sato and Abe-DeDieu-Galetto-Harada relate the volume polynomials of regular semisimple Hessenberg varieties to the volume polynomial of the Gelfand-Zetlin polytope $mathrm{GZ}(lambda)$ for $lambda=(lambda_1,lambda_2,ldots,lambda_n)$. The main results of this manuscript use and generalize tools developed by Anderson-Tymoczko, Kiritchenko-Smirnov-Timorin, and Postnikov, in order to derive an explicit formula for the volume polynomials of regular semisimple Hessenberg varieties in terms of the volumes of certain faces of the Gelfand-Zetlin polytope, and also exhibit a manifestly positive, combinatorial formula for their coefficients with respect to the basis of monomials in the $alpha_i := lambda_i-lambda_{i+1}$. In addition, motivated by these considerations, we carefully analyze the special case of the permutohedral variety, which is also known as the toric variety associated to Weyl chambers. In this case, we obtain an explicit decomposition of the permutohedron (the moment map image of the permutohedral variety) into combinatorial $(n-1)$-cubes, and also give a geometric interpretation of this decomposition by expressing the cohomology class of the permutohedral variety in $mathrm{Flag}(mathbb{C}^n)$ as a sum of the cohomology classes of a certain set of Richardson varieties.
We investigate the cohomology rings of regular semisimple Hessenberg varieties whose Hessenberg functions are of the form $h=(h(1),ndots,n)$ in Lie type $A_{n-1}$. The main result of this paper gives an explicit presentation of the cohomology rings in terms of generators and their relations. Our presentation naturally specializes to Borels presentation of the cohomology ring of the flag variety and it is compatible with the representation of the symmetric group $mathfrak{S}_n$ on the cohomology constructed by J. Tymoczko. As a corollary, we also give an explicit presentation of the $mathfrak{S}_n$-invariant subring of the cohomology ring.
189 - Martha Precup 2013
In this paper we consider certain closed subvarieties of the flag variety, known as Hessenberg varieties. We give a connectedness criterion for semisimple Hessenberg varieties generalizing a criterion given by Anderson and Tymoczko. We show that nilpotent Hessenberg varieties are rationally connected.
This paper studies the geometry and combinatorics of three interrelated varieties: Springer fibers, Steinberg varieties, and parabolic Hessenberg varieties. We prove that each parabolic Hessenberg variety is the pullback of a Steinberg variety under the projection of the flag variety to an appropriate partial flag variety and we give three applications of this result. The first application constructs an explicit paving of all Steinberg varieties in Lie type $A$ in terms of semistandard tableaux. As a result, we obtain an elementary proof of a theorem of Steinberg and Shimomura that the well-known Kostka numbers count the maximal-dimensional irreducible components of Steinberg varieties. The second application proves an open conjecture for certain parabolic Hessenberg varieties in Lie type A by showing that their Betti numbers equal those of a specific union of Schubert varieties. The third application proves that the irreducible components of parabolic Hessenberg varieties are in bijection with the irreducible components of the Steinberg variety. All three of these applications extend our geometric understanding of the three varieties at the heart of this paper, a full understanding of which is unknown even for Springer varieties, despite over forty years worth of work.
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