Testing Lorentz symmetry violation with an invariant minimum speed

Abstract in English

This work presents an experimental test of Lorentz invariance violation in the infrared (IR) regime by means of an invariant minimum speed in the spacetime and its effects on the time when an atomic clock given by a certain radioactive single-atom (e.g.: isotope $Na^{25}$) is a thermometer for a ultracold gas like the dipolar gas $Na^{23}K^{40}$. So, according to a Deformed Special Relativity (DSR) so-called Symmetrical Special Relativity (SSR), where there emerges an invariant minimum speed $V$ in the subatomic world, one expects that the proper time of such a clock moving close to $V$ in thermal equilibrium with the ultracold gas is dilated with respect to the improper time given in lab, i.e., the proper time at ultracold systems elapses faster than the improper one for an observer in lab, thus leading to the so-called {it proper time dilation} so that the atomic decay rate of a ultracold radioactive sample (e.g: $Na^{25}$) becomes larger than the decay rate of the same sample at room temperature. This means a suppression of the half-life time of a radioactive sample thermalized with a ultracold cloud of dipolar gas to be investigated by NASA in the Cold Atom Lab (CAL).
