The observed velocity distribution of young pulsars

Abstract in English

We argue that comparison with observations of theoretical models for the velocity distribution of pulsars must be done directly with the observed quantities, i.e. parallax and the two components of proper motion. We develop a formalism to do so, and apply it to pulsars with accurate VLBI measurements. We find that a distribution with two maxwellians improves significantly on a single maxwellian. The `mixed model takes into account that pulsars move away from their place of birth, a narrow region around the galactic plane. The best model has 42% of the pulsars in a maxwellian with average velocity sigma sqrt{8/pi}=120 km/s, and 58% in a maxwellian with average velocity 540 km/s. About 5% of the pulsars has a velocity at birth less than 60,km/s. For the youngest pulsars (tau_c<10 Myr), these numbers are 32% with 130 km/s, 68% with 520 km/s, and 3%, with appreciable uncertainties.
