Dynamics of mesoscopic qubit ensemble coupled to cavity: role of collective dark states

Abstract in English

We consider dynamics of a disordered ensemble of qubits interacting with single mode photon field, which is described by exactly solvable inhomogeneous Dicke model. In particular, we concentrate on the crossover from few-qubit systems to the system of many qubits and analyze how collective behavior of coupled qubits-cavity system emerges despite of the broadening. We show that quantum interference effects survive in the mesoscopic regime -- dynamics of an entangled Bell state encoded into the qubit subsystem remains highly sensitive to the symmetry of the total wave function. Moreover, relaxation of these states is slowed down due to the formation of collective dark states weakly coupled to light. Dark states also significantly influence dynamics of excitations of photon subsystem by absorbing them into the qubit subsystem and releasing quasiperiodically in time. We argue that predicted phenomena can be useful in quantum technologies based on superconducting qubits. For instance, they provide tools to deeply probe both collective and quantum properties of such artificial macroscopic systems.
